Don’t let yourself get too comfortable

Liking a job you have is great.  Loving it is even better. I am a firm believer in the theory that liking your job is one thing but liking your coworkers and management team is even better.  If you work in a place where you have both that’s even better.  Consider yourself very, very lucky because not everyone has that type of position.

But…. I think it’s important to understand when a job is truly just a job and when it might be time to leave.  

Last September when I first got this blog up and running 🏃, I was in the process of changing jobs.  Now the job I held previously was in the HR field but in the education system.  I absolutely loved this job.  I couldn’t (and still couldn’t) have a single negative thing to say about that job.  I loved what I was learning and how quickly I was able to learn.  Others were patient and willing to train/teach.  There (down the line) might have even been opportunities to take classes for a reimbursement! When I say this place was great I mean it. Total office job with holidays and weekends off.  Thus far in my very short career it was by far the least stressful.  Not only did I understand the content of my duties, but I had support.  I could go on, but I think you get my point.
Around this time last year, I was informed that would be unable to keep my position (some civil service laws/rules, I won’t bore you with the details).  I was devastated at first.  So upset that I had to leave.  My boss was so nice that he offered me a part time position while I was in between jobs.  Something he did not have to do but make it work for me.  

Once I had found a new job (my current position), I still wasn’t happy that I couldn’t stay, but I adjusted quickly and took on my new job as I had any other.  Each new day at my new job, I became more energized by what I was responsible for.  Being with a start up company, I had different responsibilities flying at me all the time.  In my ever adapting evironment, I was learning more about the HR world in just a few weeks, than I had learned over the course of a year at my previous job.  After six months I got promoted to a talent recruiter. Now being a talent recruiter, I have a huge challenge in front of me.  This role (at times) can be very intimidating and overwhelming, because it is so new.  I am bound and determined to achieve and do great things in my new role which is pushing me to work harder, ask more questions and even try new things.  The exponential growth I’ve been exposed to is worth leaving my previous position.  Moreover, I don’t think it is something I would have done on my own for quite a few years because it was such a comforting position.  I know now that being eliminated from my previous position was a blessing.  It has helped pushed me into starting my master’s program to move into higher education.  
Without my job being taken out from underneath me, I would have gotten comfortable and complacent.  My advise to you, NEVER let yourself get complacent with your current job.  Even the day I find myself in Higher Education, I still want opportunities to learn more.  Always strive for me, or you’ll end up like I almost did.  Comfortable.  Comfort is great and stress relieving, but I promise, it is not career building.  
Don’t believe that this is possible? Read this article.
#kbk, until next time

Does Job Longevity Really Matter?

This is a question that I had to do some research on because of my background.  I had a job in high school at a retail store.  This was my first job and the manager there took a chance that even without my experience, I would be able to do the job well.  Throughout college I had a few jobs and did a summer internship.  After graduation, I got one of those “big girl job” as an assistant manager at Target.  Although on my resume I have it listed for over a year experience (the internship i did with them plus the extra three months I worked there full time) it really was only two summers and a few college breaks worth of work.  Mid summer, I couldn’t take that job and quit.  A decision I still stand by, but I quit none the less.  tumblr_mhoe23akmv1r8mmrfo1_500

After much job search and applying for dozens of positions (and I mean dozens, like 30-40 jobs), I finally landed in education in the HR department.  I had no experience in HR but they took me anyway, believing (just like I believed) that I could handle the stress of the job and do a good job.  Well, after being there for a year, my position got cut.  I planned on staying in that particular job for a while, but I still had to move on.

Now, at my current job, I have been there for about 6 months and I again do not plan on going anywhere.  However, after have pretty much every position before this that has believed in my ability, it has made me question the importance of longevity.  So now when I search through resumes to bring talent to my company, I very much look over longevity in a job.  I’ve had supervisors ask me “do you know why they aren’t working now?” or “why did they skip around jobs so much?”.  I never have an answer for them.  Dates on a resume is something I kind of overlook because clearly if you can;t tell about, I’ve got a few dates scattered around.  So why does it matter?

Turns out job longevity is totally a thing that employers are looking for. Dates on your resume are suppose to stand out for a reason.  It can prove to an employer your commitment your current job, which will most likely mean longevity in a new job you will be looking for.  I think that makes sense.  It would mean that you can stick it out though thick and thin, the good times and the bad.  Most employers get it, that not everything will go smoothly everyday at your job.  But they need to know that you’re not going to bail or 04-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly-768x576shut down when the going gets tough.  If you work somewhere for a few years, it shows them that your able to stick to something.  Employers simply cannot invest in training and paying someone (even if they are the most qualified for the job), just to have then quit and start the process all over again.


I think a better way to look at this is to think of the opposite.  I’ve had such a luxury really to have people invest in my skills with having less than 1 year experience for my jobs that I really have to think of an extreme opposite of longevity to really get the point.  If a waitress has 13 years of experience overall but has had 2 jobs within a year on average, that’s 26 jobs that a person has had in that time frame.  You’re looking at about 6 months from this waitress.  She might nail the interview and can interact with customers like there is no tomorrow.  But after 6 months of working there is a good chance she will move on.  It’s a lot about patterns that your resume creates that alludes employers to believe that you will or will not stay.  It takes a solid 1-2 months to have someone completely trained and comfortable working independently for most jobs (others of course can take much more or less time). Our waitress example means after time and money from other waitstaff and managers to train her, your only looking at about 4 months of profitable work she will commit to before ducking out of there.

Now I can clearly see how longevity can prove a dedicated employee.  I was getting myself so caught up in thinking people are like me, they either really really don’t like a job or they get cut from it.  More benefit of the doubt, then holding people accountable for their actions.

So of course I must ask myself, how long is considered a safe time frame?  I also asked this in college during a senior year job seminar.  The response that I got then and still stand by is a few years.  The woman that spoke about this hated her first job.  She truly hated it, but she said that she stuck it out for the first year, and actually found another opportunity from a co worker because she stayed dedicated to the position.  Her ability not to give up really pushed her to a better place.  Furthermore she recommended that if you like your job, stay in it for a few years and see how much you can excel.  Maybe you’ll find that your supervisor will give you more responsibility the longer you are there, meaning more experiences to add to the resume.


My take away from all of this….. it’s okay to move onward and upward, but I want to take my time now to absorb everything I can at my current job.  I want my resume to reflect a pattern of dedication, growth and creativity.  I can accomplish that right where I am.  At the end of the day, achieving those things now, will make me happier at my job during my daily grind.  No, I don’t plan on going anywhere but it’s good to keep this in the back of my head and remember my drives.


Visit this blog site for more info.


March’s Kareer Korner: Speech Pathology


This month, let’s dive into the career path of Speech Pathology.  A Speech Pathologist is a person that works with others with speech impediments.  If you are unable to pronounce r’s, a speech pathologist could work with you to get you to pronounce those r’s.  Basically, picture a trained professional sitting down with Elmer Fudd


Elmer is just one tiny example of who Speech Pathologists work with. There are quite the variety of clientele that a speech pathologist could assist.  With such variety comes a lot of specific areas a person can study. Studying is a must for this career path though.  Most speech pathology positions require at least a Master’s degree.  Most positions will require you to gain certain certifications beyond that as well.  You are looking at around 6 years of education beyond high school in order to be able to be a Speech Therapist.  While this is a commitment to your career path, remember that education is a puller just as any experience you can gain in the work force.    Programs with extensive schooling, also mean extensive hands on experience under professional guidance.

A bi
g part of speech pathology is studying people and how the brain works.  It is truly amazing how our minds guide us through life each and every day, considering how many things could go wrong up there.  There are millions of working parts in our brain and as a speech pathologist, you get to learn a lot about the brain.  If studying the mind and how it works is intriguing for you, speech pathology 998a89d0ae9ea6f1bf7f88dd875ab1cc_brain-clipart-brain-clip-art-brain-cartoon-clip-art_457-337course work will give you a chance to explore some of that.  Specifically, you will study areas of the brain that involve speech and memory.  You’d be quite surprised in everything involved in forming just one sentence and saying it aloud.  You want to be a people person as well, in order to be energized by this career.  You’ll work extensively with people and you’ll want be helping them through some difficult issues in their lives.  This can be a rewarding field, but you have to enjoy helping people.  Patience is key!

When you dive into the higher levels of education in this field, you’ll want to begin to get involved in the practice, which is why your education becomes a puller.  All of the things you learn about the brain, and how it works can come full circle when you start working with clients during internships and clinical sessions.   I cannot stress the education path enough for this career path, because you gain experience while still in school.  It is like going to Med school because students don’t just learn from books and then upon graduation, are expected to operate on patients.  They get experience while they study, just as you would.

After completing all necessary education, there is, like I mentioned, some certifications that you will need to complete as well.  This all depends on the specifics of how you choose to practice.  Watch this quick video below to learn about one path you can take with Speech Pathology:


James chooses, for now, to practice speech pathology in a school.  He is certified with the education laws for the state he works in to practice speech pathology with school aged children.  James also mentions in this clip of maybe one day opening his own private clinic, or teaching speech pathology at a university.  All great choices of what he can do with his degree.  He also spoke of the opportunity to work in a hospital.  Those are just 4 areas that you could explore when deciding where and how you want to build your career in speech pathology.  Of course, don’t ignore that great slide a the end of the video that shows opportunities provided by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association.  The more networks you have in your back pocket to utilize the better your chances of finding a job quickly.


With that being said here are some resources to use to help you look for positions across the nation: – real through this to get some ideas of how the American Speech-Language Hearing Association wants to help you.  I found the classifieds mail list to be particularly interesting.  They find you jobs and mail them to you! – this website is a giant database of jobs specifically for speech pathologists.  I found 6,708 jobs across the nation! –  this is isn’t a job site directly, but sometimes you need to dig.  bachelor’s and master’s programs at most colleges will have some help for you available at their campus’s career center.  Don’t forget to explore their website and utilize their resources.  This link is a description of a speech pathologist but at the bottom of the description you can click on a link to then look for jobs.  I found over 1,000 speech pathology jobs in Connecticut.  5 of those specifically in Clinical Fellowships.  I went onto a college career services site under the exploring section.  So this onet tool i used to explore jobs, but poke around because it an lead to positions!


Enjoy your continuing journey.


Know Whom You Need to Speak With

It’s been a while hasn’t it? I apologize to my readers as it has been too long since posting anything. I’ll blame my job as I’ve been working countless hours these last few months.
With these countless hours have come many things. We have been hiring like crazy in my human resource office and I’ve seen a lot of people come in for various things. Often, we have people come into our office for interviews. Sometimes HR sets up interviews, other times managers of departments will set them up unbeknownst to us.  We love to interview people so it is great to get all of this talent through our doors.

I have one piece of advice for you to take with you on interviews or meeting anyone in person really. Know who they are. Remember their name. Memorize their name.

I cannot tell you how many times I have spoken with someone in the last few weeks that has no idea whom they are to interview with. I promise that not knowing who you need to speak with does not make a very good first impression.

By not knowing who you need to speak with in a company, it makes the secretary or HR in my case hunt down your interviewer.  It shows us a lack of responsibility.  Now I am expected to know who you need to speak to. With our massive hiring it is hard for us to keep track of so many interviews all the time. If you know who you need to speak with right away it shows your interested and that you can listen.  It is awesome hearing that in our office.

To be clear, if you mispronounce a person’s name you’ll probably do just fine. There is always that one person with a difficult or different name that you cannot say correctly. Don’t worry about that, at least provide as many details as possible about the person if you know think you’ll pronounce the name wrong.  bvt5uwnigaajhrl

Believe me, I am bad with names so if you are anything like me you’ll need a trick to get around this.  If I know that someone could be calling me to set up an interview, I always have paper and pen ready. If you are job seeking, make sure you always had that pen and paper ready, you never know when someone will call.

When you get a phone call make sure you write down the names of those you’ll interview with. Ask the person on the phone, it’s okay to do such.  Write their name down and memorize it. Let’s take this a step further…..

Once you get to the interview you will of course recite the name of your interviewer to whoever sits at the main desk. Once you do such keep repeating the name(s) in your head.  When your interviewer meets you he/she will always look to introduce themselves to you with a handshake. When the interviewer says their name, repeat it back to them.

Interviewer: ” Hi Kendra, I’m Jeff, nice to meet you”

Me: “Hi Jeff, it is very nice to meet you too”.

I’ve taken the time to not only memorize the person I’d be interviewing with but now I’ve put a name to a face and repeated it out loud to myself (even though it sounds like a pleasant exchange).  Now that I’ve verbalized that connection I have made it easier for me to remember their name going forward. Believe me, when you interview with more than one person, this can really come in handy.


The Holidays Are Coming!

I know Halloween just ended and your not ready to think about Christmas yet, but hear me out.  This time of year (especially right now) malls and stores across the nation are gearing up for the dreaded BLACK FRIDAY.

The ever popular sales of Black Friday are upon us
If you have the time and transportation to pick up a seasonal part time job, I will tell you to go do it.  Now, I’ve worked a fair share of black Fridays and they arent always the most fun, but they give you some opportunities for career building.  There are two reasons why I will encourage you to apply now to work for the holidays season.  


This one is kind of a no brainier. Your going to be spending money on gifts so why not make a little extra on the side as well.  And if you are like me and get a job at Target, you can do your shopping at work after your shift.  Plus you can potentially get employee discounts. You might be working some long shifts of weekends and evenings, but it’s short term and believe you can totally adjust to retail hours.  

This is the far more important reason to work the holiday season.  In any retail job you pick up you’ll pretty much be thrown into customer service and dealing with people. Having to deal with the public first hand gives you great customer service skills.  I don’t care where you work, you always need to have awesome customer services skills.  I currently work in the HR field, and I don’t typically interact with the public, but the employees of my company are my customers. If I don’t help them, they don’t help our customer and I don’t have a job.  Working a sales floor teaches you how to interact with others. How to work with them and keep them engaged even when they are irrate. You have no idea how much you can use your customer service skills in your future. 

Just try out a job this season. If you hate it, then dont go back next year. Just be flexible in your availability, be nice and bring in with the holiday spirit. You have a lot of potential to gain out if the experience.  reach out to any local mall today!! Most applications for well known stores are online. 

#yougotthis #kbk Happy Holidays!!

If you want to move up in the company do more than what you were hired for

Okay, so the answer is in the title in this post but let me give you a little insight as to why I find this to be true.  

I went through college thinking that if I worked hard people would notice and I would be able to grow simply by people recognizing my efforts.  I got an internship in the career services office my junior year.  The minute I got myself into the door I knew I wanted to become promoted to the paid internship level and oversee the work I was currently doing.  I wanted to get a taste of management. 
I was confident in my ability to do the internship well and I proved to be very hard working in the position.  Then came an opportunity to interview for the promotion mid year.  And I didn’t get it. I wasn’t ready to supervise my peers yet, but my supervisor told me to apply again for the following year.  Thankfully I did land in the position the following year but I quickly learned that had I demonstrated my ability to lead the semester before, I would’ve been promoted. 

 Then I got into working with Target, where I learned that I really got lucky in college.  I was in such a small group of coworkers in college (10 interns total) that I had the ability to step it up and be noticed for my hard work. 
I would have NEVER been promoted at Target with that attitude. Part of the success at Target is that they have those that they want to be promoted already trained and ready to start working in the new position by the time the new position opens up.  Promotions are already planned out for their company to close the gap of errors or lack of leadership, among other things.  Those chosen to be promoted were already doing the work of that higher position.  They have proven themselves capable before being promoted.  

I had many co-workers tell me that they wanted to be promoted and that they really did a great job at their current job. Some with 20+ years experience that truly knew their jobs well.  They were making critical errors by becoming experts at their jobs, only.  If you want to climb the corporate ladder you have to be fulfilling that job description, at the higher level.  Had I tried to just work hard at Target, I would’ve never been noticed. You need to show or even tell your leaders that you want to move up.  

This is a ridiculous example, but it’s true at the same time. If you’ve ever seen Bruce Almighty you know that Bruce had been waiting and waiting for a promotion.  He does these crazy stories like the biggest cookie in Buffalo NY and putting a wacky umbrella on his head for an interview.  He thinks it means he’ll be promoted, turns out it makes him super valuable in his current position.  

Watch the video clip here, but please note of explicit language.  Pro-tip don’t get to the point of you being Bruce.  You never want to get to a point where you don’t get the promotion you deserve. Always be looking ahead of moving up until you are satisfied.  

October’s Kareer Korner: Arboriculture

Have you ever thought about being an Arborist?  Do you even know what an Arborist does?  Well if you like trees and the outdoors, stay with me.  This month I want to dive into the career of Arboriculture, and expand your idea of a career.

Arborism, is all about working with the outdoors.  If you’ve ever seen the show Tree House Master’s, Pete (host/owner) is an Arborist.  What I love about Pete is his enthusiasm for his work.  It doesn’t really seem to matter if he is building a tree house for a famous client or an average Joe, he LOVES what he does.  Great example right here:

Every build he does he is pumped to talk about, and share his knowledge with the rest of us.  He really helps show us the importance of loving what you do and that you can do anything.  Arborism, like I said, is about working outdoors, but that can be more than building tree houses.  Arborists work all over the world with all different kinds of plants,  trees being an obvious medium.  You can be working with the trees themselves, kind of like Pete, but you can also be studying them.  This Wiki definition really lays it out there for you.

An ISA Certification is a key requirement to become a creditable arborist. There are six different types of certifications and it takes around three years of previous arborist experience in order to take an ISA exam and become a certified arborist.  I know what you are thinking “KendrImage result for 24 years of experience memea you’re telling me I need experience to get a job, but I need a job to get experience… catch 22″.  I get what your saying, but from my research your three years of experience comes from entry level positions.  You’d be finding those entry level positions working alongside arborist, in the industry to then become an arborist yourself.  It’s like most careers, as you have to start from the bottom and move up in the world.  Don’t get discouraged by these requirements, it’s called career building.  Being an apprentice is part of your new career in arborism.  This is why it is important to keep your focus on pullers.

If your less interested in trees, there is also horticulture.  Horticulture is the art of landscaping and gardening.  I like to think of Mrs. Sprout from the Harry Potter Series.  She taught an entire school all about plants (yes her plants were magical, but stay with me).  Mrs. Sprout taught students what to and not to do when working with plants.  That requires quite a bit of knowledge about plants. Image result for mrs sprout harry potter gif Remember when she was instructing 2nd years’ how to replant mandrakes (screaming plants)?  You personally wouldn’t be dealing with screaming plants, but without the proper care and knowledge, your garden might be screaming for some love and attention. If you have a knack for working with plants, vegetation or any combination of the two you may want to consider a career in it.  I’ll let you take a look at the Michigan State University page about Horticulture.

Education for Horticulture careers can range.  Some positions require a Bachelor’s degree in Horticulture, others do not require any education.  Online certifications seem to be popular as well.  Overall, arborism has a nice variety of education requirements.  You can start from the bottom and move up the ladder.  My suggestion, try a landscaping job with a local company.  Chances are you’ll learn a thing or two about arborism and you’ll be in a  position where you should be able to find a job rather quickly, especially if you are in the Southern part of the U.S.

So let’s now take a look at some resources to find those positions in arborism that I keep telling you are out there:

You can search by location at all of these sites.  Search anywhere from Washington State to Washintong D.C. That’s the beauty of these data bases and trust me there are tons more out there.  Take a look and let me know what you find!

Enjoy and let me know what you want to see next month’s edition of the Kareer Korner!

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Job Hunters Guilt

I am not sure if that is the technical term for this subject or not but it’s important to discuss. Are you in a position where you’re unhappy with your current job or career path? If you said yes keep reading.  If you said no, this might be a waste.  If you’re on the fence, go back to some earlier posts about pullers and core values.

Sometimes we get into situations where leaving our current position is harder or more stressful than chasing after things we truly want.  

Quick example: I LOVED working in education.  But the job required me to be reachable on a NY state civil service test.  I didnt get a high enough score and I was cut from my position.  It sucked a lot.  And I cried,  a lot. But it dawned on me during all of this boo-hooing that I was so upset because I was getting so comfortable.  It had crossed my mind that maybe working for a school is what wanted to do for a living.  Just maybe it was what I wanted.  I was doing a decent job of convincing myself of that as well. Comfort can be a great thing, but had I not lost that job, I don’t think I would have applied for this new job that I now have.  And let me tell you, the perks and new experiences that this job has to offer is out of this world. I like how this guy explains the need to being uncomfortable.  
Not only would I not have applied for this job but I’m not sure about any job in the near future, let alone graduate school.  I hadn’t even begun to think about courses.  Now I’m gearing up for the fall 2017 online semester. 
Luckily I lost my job, because I can tell you that I was feeling guilty for leaving such a nice place. Nice people, work, days off, benefits. You name it, they have it.  Employees are treated really well there! But at some point I would’ve had to leave in order to fulfill my career goals.  

We can not let the guilt of leaving great people or work behind get in our way.  Pretend you were in my situation, would you want to have a job before losing it, or be out of a job scrambling for work.  Build your career, and look out for yourself.  It’s worth it. 

The best advice I can offer, is to talk to your boss now.  Even if they are the meanest, most rotten boss.  You’ll always be a good employee for keeping an open relationship with your boss.  This way he knows that he will need to find someone to replace you and can start thinking about the change.  It’s like giving him notice that you’ll be putting in your two week notice.  Communication is most definitely key for this task. Good luck out there.  

How Did I Get Here (part 2)

This morning I mustered up the courage to ask a few co workers why they chose me.  Like I had said in Monday’s post, I knew I would be capable of the new job but I had hoped that my now co-workers saw that I those qualities in me.  Well as Monday began my new adventure I decided to ask what I had that they wanted.

Their response: 

While I learned that they did like my background and expeience, I was pretty much hired based on things not indicated on my resume. One co-worker said that they had liked my ability to answer the questions directly. I wasn’t going in circles, but cut to the chase and gave a clear, but detailed answers.  I also received feedback that they enjoyed the initial phone interview with me.  

Hello, give me a job

I had no idea that the few questions they asked me about my application was considered a phone interview.  It was great to get the feedback to learn a little more of what they considered as good interview answers and such.  Turns out, what I thought was just a simple phone conversation was truly my first impression.  My phone interviewer even had me pegged as their favorite candidate. 

My takeaway:

So I really did learn a lot about myself and my interview skills.  I’ve noticed in the last year and a half (where I’ve accepted 3 “big girl” jobs) that those that have hired me have done it based on their ability to detect that I’m moldable.  Meaning they can turn me into a devoted employee to that company.  They have all been completely right thus far.  I still LOVE going to target even after quitting.  And working for a school district makes me point out a school whenever we drive by one.  

Photo credits: Wikipedia
To get to my point I did learn that I have good interviewing skills in terms of showing employers that I’m a hard working dedicated employee. Those are some great qualities.  But I have a lot to learn still because I now have some decent experience in a few areas, but I need to convey that previous experience in the future.  This isn’t a failure this is just something I need to work on if I want to get where I want to be.  

How Did I Get Here?

Today was the first day of a new job for me. While usually the first day is the worst, (because who actually likes walking into a company and having no idea what is going on) today was pretty cool. It’s a great company. I had a bunch of tasks already listed for me to work on. Thus far in my career, I haven’t had that happen.  Typically, I am placed in a position and am either expected or encouraged to just figure out my tasks on my own.  

While it was a great day today I couldn’t help but repeatedly ask myself  how did I get here?  And I didn’t ask myself this in a surreal, holy-crap-I-got-a-job way.  I was trying to understand why they picked me in the hiring process.  The further into the work I got, the more invested I became (already)! At the end of my first day, I was feeling like I had not only accomplished something but made a contribution that will impact my team positively down the road.  That is huge. 

So why was I questioning how I got to where I am? 

If your like me, you’ll understand when I say that I replayed the interview in my head, over and over and over again.  Each time I thought over what I said,  and kept thinking “oh I liked what I said but I should’ve added …..”  When I got the phone call last week about the job offer I nearly flipped out of my seat with excitement.  I had honestly thought that I wasn’t going to get this position.  I felt I provided decent answers to the questions, but nothing spectacular.  I wasn’t any Moses parting the Red Sea.   Apparently, I was wrong.  

With this being said, I think I want to ask one of my interviewers what they thought of me in my interview, and furthermore ask what it was about me that stuck out.  I’ve heard before of my peers getting some good feedback from supervisors at their interviews before, but it has never happened to me. My previous boss simply said “you did fine with our interview” of course I did fine, you hired me! But “fine” doesn’t tell me what employers think of me. If they’re was something that this company liked than there has to be something that the next company will like too. Maybe I can play on the strengths my interviewers saw in me. It’s all about building your career, which takes time. These little wins or pullers, are going to help me in the long run!